
Spiritual Directors

Deaconess Lady Pamela (Pam) F. Bowman

Spiritual Director of Christian Family Care, 

Counseling & Chaplaincy


Deaconess Lady Pam is appointed to further develop, implement, and maintain the Women’s Ministry and provide specific counseling within the scope of Christian care, to include new discipleship intake. 

Deacon Richard Green

Spiritual Director of Diaconate Ministry


Deacon Green is appointed to further develop, implement, and maintain the Diaconate Ministry as they serve the Disciples of Christ at the ER. 

Reverend Dr. Phyllis (Phyl) M. Simpson

Spiritual Director of Christian Discipleship & Counseling


Reverend Dr. Phyl, a licensed & ordained Minister of the Gospel, is appointed to further develop, implement, and maintain new discipleship intake and ongoing discipleship training.

Deacon Alexander (Alex) Moore

Spiritual Director of Trustees & Audio-Visual 


Deacon Alex is appointed to develop, implement, and maintain the Audio-Visual ministry, to include live & recorded services, and has the lead responsibility as Trustee of the church’s physical location.

Deaconess Izola (Zee) Green

Spiritual Director of Fellowship (Koinonia)


Deaconess Zee is appointed to further develop, implement, and maintain the Hospitality Ministry, to include all Family & Friends and church-wide events.